BGR Core Repository Berlin-Spandau - DIS View: Core-Details

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ExpeditionSiteHoleCoreGearTypeTop Depth (m)Drilled LengthBottom DepthMCD OffsetRecoveryRecovery(%)OrientedSectionsCore CatcherCuratorIGSNComments
ELGYGY 1 C 149 RIG Q 435,66 2,85 438,51 0 2,77 97,1929824561403 yes 2 yes NN BGRB5011RC64001 2.85 m reamed, 2.77 m recovery, box 12


SectionSection LengthCurated LengthTop Depth (m)Bottom Depth (m)CuratorCCMCD TopBoxSlotPositionIGSNComments
1 0,48 0,48 435,66 436,14 NN no 435,66 12 1 T BGRB5011RSPH001
2 0,55 0,55 436,14 436,69 NN no 436,14 12 2 M BGRB5011RSQH001
3 0,51 0,51 436,69 437,2 NN no 436,69 12 3 M BGRB5011RSRH001
4 0,59 0,59 437,2 437,79 NN no 437,2 12 4 M BGRB5011RSSH001
5 0,54 0,54 437,79 438,33 NN no 437,79 12 5 M BGRB5011RSTH001
6 0,08 0,08 438,33 438,41 NN yes 438,33 12 5 B BGRB5011RSUH001 stored in box 12 at the end of slot 1

Measurements, descriptions and images:

SectionMSCL-Meas.Spectro-Meas.XRF-LightXRF-MediumXRF-HeavySection Desc.VCD-FileThin Sections360° ScanSlabbed Scan
1 X X X
2 X X X
3 X X X
4 X X X
5 X X X X
6 X X X


SectionHalfTypeTop (cm)Bottom (cm)Top Depth (m)Top MCD (m)Volume (cc)RequestIGSNSampleComments
1 W --- 8 20 435,74 435,74 65 MSP0001 BGRB5011RXH6001 1028 thin section /chemical analysis, destructive
1 W --- 23 26 435,89 435,89 65 MSP0003 BGRB5011RX34001 942 thick and thin section, non destructive
1 W --- 26 28 435,92 435,92 65 MSP0002 BGRB5011RXCB001 1203 clast with 'fluidal' structure light grey in breccia
2 W --- 34 41 436,48 436,48 65 MSP0001 BGRB5011RXJ6001 1030 thin section /chemical analysis, destructive
2 W --- 45 47 436,59 436,59 65 MSP0002 BGRB5011RXDB001 1204 white veins normal to the fluidal texture in breccia
4 W --- 50 53 437,7 437,7 65 MSP0004 BGRB5011RXK2001 887 half core for physical properties, sample will be drilled, but not destroyed
5 W --- 11 14 437,9 437,9 65 MSP0002 BGRB5011RXEB001 1205 pink vertical veins in breccia
5 W --- 30 32 438,09 438,09 65 MSP0001 BGRB5011RXK6001 1031 thin section /chemical analysis, destructive, remains in storage (BGR)